Education Services

Email for availability and booking.

  • Dr. Moayedi is a dynamic educator and provides Grand Rounds lectures in Texas and across the country. Her lectures integrate current evidence, case presentations, storytelling, advocacy, and racial justice. Grand Rounds lectures can be delivered virtually or in-person.

    Previous Grand Rounds Lectures: Healthcare Through a Human Rights Crisis; Reproductive Coercion and Race in the United States; Postpartum Reversible Contraception; Emergency Contraception: Understanding the Evidence; Medication Abortion: Current Evidence and Emerging Research; Contraceptive Myths and Misconceptions; Physician Advocacy

  • Procedural Proctoring: For clinicians that are looking to advance their procedural skills in abortion care, IUD insertion & removal, or subdermal contraceptive implant insertion & removal. Dr. Moayedi will work with you and your practice leadership to develop a site-specific training program, which includes on-site, in-person proctoring by Dr. Moayedi until proficiency is achieved. Currently available in 20 states.

    Workshops & Seminars: For medical students, residents, clinicians of all kinds, and community health workers looking for a family planning technical skills workshop with low-fidelity simulation. Dr. Moayedi is a skilled workshop facilitator and has led diverse teams of learners across the United States, as well as internationally (English & Spanish). Previous workshops titles include: Abortion Values Clarification; Manual Vacuum Aspiration of Uterus (papaya workshop); 2nd Trimester Uterine Evacuation; IUD Insertion & Removal; Difficult IUD Removal; Emergency Management of Obstetric Hemorrhage

    Continuing Education: For diverse audiences looking to expand their knowledge in abortion, contraception, healthcare policy, racial justice in medical care, or healthcare advocacy. Dr. Moayedi will work with you to develop and deliver a continuing education program that meets the needs of your learning community. Dr. Moayedi has extensive experience in developing CME, CNE, & CLE content.

    Guest Lecture: For undergraduate, graduate, and professional educators looking to supplement their syllabus with an expert in abortion care, contraception provision, health policy & advocacy, and racial justice. Dr. Moayedi has delivered guest lectures for undergraduate classes, graduate public health classes, medical schools, and law schools.

    Service-line Expansion: For healthcare practices looking to expand the family planning services they offer (start providing medication or procedural abortion care, expand abortion care, start offering contraception, expand to providing all-methods/same-day contraception). Dr. Moayed will work with you through any stage of your service-line expansion to conceptualize program development and implementation through human rights and patient-centered approach.

    Protocol Review: For healthcare practices looking to implement a new clinical protocol, but need an expert reviewer to analyze the protocol through a human rights and racial justice lens.

  • Dr. Moayedi serves as a volunteer mentor for a limited number of people per year. Volunteer mentorship is available on a case-by-case basis and typically reserved for learners of color, based in Texas, who are already in community with Dr. Moayedi and looking to advance their work in abortion care and/or racial justice. For all others, Dr. Moayedi offers the below, discrete mentorship services on a sliding-scale.

    1:1 Mentorship Sessions (virtual/ 60-90 minutes):

    Ideal for: Medical students considering becoming abortion providers; Residents considering fellowship training in abortion care or wanting to become abortion providers (ob/gyn, family medicine, etc); Complex Family Planning Fellows wanting to discuss “outside-the-box” post-fellowship career options; Abortion providers considering a new job/ role and wanting to discuss pros/cons; Abortion providers considering becoming licensed in/ traveling to multiple states and looking for guidance